Thanks to such an amazing response to the 1st Issue, I will most definitely be compiling stories for the next issue of The Bad Date Zine!
So, we are now taking submissions for Issue 2!
Here are the submission details:
Please submit your true Bad Date Stories to
Please try and limit your stories to 3 pages of single-spaced text, but if your story goes longer, that's cool too.
The deadline is midnight, PST, November 7th (I want to give time for any bad Halloween dates that may occur).
What am I looking for? I'm looking for humorous, poignant, touching, or just plain ridiculous stories of bad dates, bad attempts to be picked up at bars, hookups gone wrong, etc., etc. I do strongly prefer that the cause of a bad date is the person's behavior/personality, not some physical "flaw." Additionally, if anyone wants to fess up and admit how they were a bad date, that's great too.
So submit! And if you have any bad winter holiday stories, submit those too. If there's enough, I can probably do a special holiday edition in time for gift-giving :)
Thanks so much!